Research, Inc. 27
Water St. Wakefield,
MA 01880 (781)
245-3200 (781)
224-7552 (fax) info@flowresearch.com http://www.flowresearch.com/ May 14, 2004 Dear Product or Marketing Manager: In the past year and a half, Flow Research has published studies on all the main types of flowmeters. These studies are described at http://www.flowresearch.com/flow.htm. Volume X includes all types of flowmeters. After lengthy discussions with many flowmeter suppliers, we have decided to do a study of the worldwide gas and steam flow measurement markets. Gas and steam flow are becoming increasingly important, and are one of the main areas of growth for flowmeters. This study looks at the different types of flowmeters used for gas and steam flow, to see how they stack up against each other. The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather data for the gas and steam flow studies. This study will have a base year of 2003. Therefore, most of the questions have to do with flowmeter unit and dollar sales in 2003. Some questions have to do with gas flow, and other with steam flow. We are also interested in growth factors, and in your view of how quickly the market is growing. Your input is extremely important. Attached to this letter is a list of questions about your flowmeters. Please fill this out and send it back to Flow Research by email (jesse@flowresearch.com), or by fax (781-224-7552). Our regular mail address is Flow Research, 27 Water Street, Wakefield, MA 01880. Please respond if possible by June 10, 2004. We are also trying to interview as many people as possible by telephone. Please visit our website at www.flowresearch.com for more information on this study, and on other studies available from Flow Research. Thank you! – Jesse Yoder, President, Flow Research, Inc. The
gas flow study will be published in June 2004, and the steam flow study
will be published in July or August, 2004.
Worldwide Gas and Steam Flowmeter Supplier Questionnaire Company ________________________________________ Street __________________________________ City ______________________ State/Country ________________________________ Zip Code __________________ Fax ________________________________ Website ____________________________ Phone ______________________________ Email ____________________________ Contact Person ________________________ Title _____________________________ 1. What types of flowmeters does your company manufacture? ______ Coriolis _____ Differential Pressure ______ Ultrasonic _____ Positive Displacement
______ Vortex ______ Turbine ______Thermal _____ Variable Area ______ Other ___________________ (please specify) 2. What was the average selling price of your flowmeters used for gas applications in 2003? Please give the price paid by distributors or reps, rather than the retail price. If you can’t give an average price, then please give a price range. Coriolis ___________ Diff. Pressure _____________ Ultrasonic ____________ Positive Displacement ____________
Vortex ____________ Turbine ______________ Thermal __________ Variable Area _____________
3. What was the average selling price of your flowmeters used for steam applications in 2003? Please give the price paid by distributors or reps, rather than the retail price. If you can’t give an average price, then please give a price range. Coriolis ______________ Differential Pressure ______________ Ultrasonic ____________ Positive Displacement _______________
Vortex ______________ Turbine ______________ Thermal _____________ Variable Area ______________ 4. The following table asks for your company’s dollar and unit sales for flowmeters in 2003. Your
Company’s Total Sales of Flowmeters in 2003 by Type
5. Please indicate what percent of your flowmeter sales in 2003 went to the following regions (if the answers are substantially different for different product lines, please give separate answers): _______ % North America _______ % Europe (Western and Eastern Europe, and Former Soviet Union) _______ % Japan _______ % Asia without Japan _______ % Rest of world (Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Other) Total: 100%
6. What were your company’s sales of flowmeters by medium (Liquid, Steam, Gas) in 2003, in terms of revenues? Your
Company’s Total Sales of Flowmeters by Medium (Liquid, Steam, Gas)
7. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change? ___________________________________________________________
Flowmeters by Line Size
9. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change? ___________________________________________________________
10. We are also doing a breakout by line size. Please indicate what percent of your steam flowmeters in terms of revenues were sold in 2003 for use in the following line sizes: Steam
Flowmeters by Line Size
11. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change? ___________________________________________________________
12. Please indicate what percent of your gas flowmeters sold in 2003 in terms of revenues were insertion vs. inline: (Other could be clamp-on, for example) Gas
Flowmeters: Inline vs. Insertion
13. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change? ___________________________________________________________
14. Please indicate what percent of your steam flowmeters sold in 2003 in terms of revenues were insertion vs. inline: (Other could be clamp-on, for example) Steam
Flowmeters: Inline vs. Insertion
15. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change? ___________________________________________________________
Flowmeter Applications
17. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change? ___________________________________________________________
18. We are distinguishing among applications that steam flowmeters are used for. Please indicate what percent of your flowmeters revenues in 2003 were used for the following applications?
Flowmeter Applications
19. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change?
20. How are your revenues from the sales of flowmeters for gas and steam applications divided by industry (if gas and steam are different, please give separate answers)? _______ % Oil & Gas (production/trans.) ______ Metals & Mining _______ % Refining ______ Power
_______ % Chemical ______ Water & Wastewater
_______ % Food & Beverage ______ Semiconductor
_______ % Pharmaceutical ______ Other (Specify _____________ ) _______ % Pulp & Paper Total: 100% 21. Do you expect any change in these percentages over the next three years? If so, what will be the change?
22. By how much are the sales of your flowmeters for gas applications growing per years? _____________________ % per year (specify type if multiple types) _____________________ % per year (specify type if multiple types) 23. By how much are the sales of your flowmeters for steam applications growing per years? _____________________ % per year (specify type if multiple types) _____________________ % per year (specify type if multiple types) 24. What positive or negative growth factors do you see for the types of flowmeters your company manufactures? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
25. What
percent of your gas and steam flowmeter sales are through the following
channels? _____ % Direct _____ % Independent reps _____ % Distributors _____ % E-business Total: 100%
26. What percent of your gas and steam flowmeter sales are to the following: _____% End-users _____% OEMs/Systems integrators _____% Engineering companies 27. Please make any additional comments you’d like to make about the study. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Thank you! As a participant, you qualify for a discount on the resulting study. Also, if you order the study before publication, you are entitled to an additional discount. Please fax this questionnaire to Flow Research at 781-224-7552, or email to jesse@flowresearch.com.